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venture capital hiring

Four sectors will lead the field for venture capital investment and job creation according to Rebecca Foreman Janjic, a partner at the Framingham, Mass.-based recruitment firm of Polachi, Inc. In an interview with Troymedia, she singles out: clean technology, mobile applications, consumer Internet/social media and infrastructure software.

A venture capital job candidate with experience in any of these sectors will be in greater demand, in the next few months. Janjic also mentions that those with experience in clean technologies, particularly with a background in biology or chemistry, will have the upper hand in their venture capital job search. Portfolio managers who’ve had some success in launching Web 2.0 projects will have an edge in negotiating for new positions, too.

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Venture capitalists have been getting a bad rap in the press lately, either for lackluster 10-year returns, not supporting enough innovation, or even contributing to the financial meltdown.

However, Paul Kedrosky, an investor, writer, and entrepreneur well known for his blog, Infectious Greed, and his columns for TheStreet/RealMoney, has a pointed defense of the industry in a recent article in

“Creating a successful startup is among the hardest things you can do in a capitalist economy,” Kedrosky says. “The idea that anyone at all would build a business around funding startups is the remarkable thing. No revenues, no sure market ahead, no collateral, no liquidity, and doe-eyed founders who were in high school when Enron blew up. It all adds up to more ways to break down than an old Winnebago.”

To be successful in your venture capital career, you must successfully navigate a “sea of multi-dimensional uncertainty” Kedrosky says, ranging from whether the product or technology will actually work, to whether you have the right staff, right financing, right marketing and finally, whether or not the start-up company can actually sell the product for more than it costs to produce. At a big company, you can fail at every one of these decisions and still keep your job. In the venture capital world, one mistake and “you’re wandering a maze of dark and twisty passages — most of which are paved with trapdoors to hell.” 

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There’s no better place for growing green technology start-ups and creating green-collar jobs than California. That’s the opinion of San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom, in a rebuttal published by Reuters to political rival Meg Whitman, who was the former President and Chief Executive Officer of eBay from March 1998 to March 2008. Both are thinking about entering the race for California governor. Whitman recently penned an op-ed piece saying she’d suspend California’s climate-change legislation if elected governor.

Newsome said that the four largest clean energy industries (solar, wind, biofuel and fuel cells) will have combined annual revenues of $255 billion by 2015. And that California is capturing the lion’s share of “green capital”, some $6.6 billion invested in start-ups between 2006 and 2008.

The emerging green economy in California has created thousands of jobs, through economic growth and through venture capital and entrepreneurship, says Newsome. He feels the state’s climate-change legislation, AB32, is a key element of that growth and has challenged Whitman to a public debate on it.

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Signs of Life in Silicon Valley Hiring

September 23, 2009

After a virtual freeze in IPOs and exits, a report by BBC says that buy-out and start-up activity in the Valley is heating up, and investors are taking notice. Recent deals have included the purchase of by Intuit for $170m,  Adobe buying Omniture for $1.8bn,  Skype selling to a private equity syndicate for $2bn […]

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Venture Capitalists Bet on Green Infrastructure for Job Growth

September 16, 2009

Venture capital backed IPOs hit a 30-year low last year, with just 6 venture-backed companies making a public debut, says Paul Holland and Steve Vassallo, partners at the Menlo, CA venture capital firm Foundation Capital. This isn’t just bad news for the venture capital industry. It’s bad news for the U.S. economy as a whole, […]

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Fewer Venture Capital Jobs but Higher Pay

September 9, 2009

A report by the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that hiring in the Silicon Valley tech sector is down by 17 percent from 2000 to 2008. But wages for those who do manage to land a venture capital job are up by 36 percent. The report, in a Time magazine blog, indicates that Silicon Valley […]

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Venture Capital Jobs – Cover Letters

May 27, 2009

A good cover letter is another opportunity to differentiate yourself from the hundreds of other people chasing the same positions as you. This holds true even in this age of electronic communications, and in the venture capital industry. A cover letter (whether it’s attached or sent as your covering e-mail with your resume) gives you […]

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