Posts tagged as:

private equity

What Stock Pickers Can Learn from Private Equity Managers

April 13, 2009

Private equity as an asset class had an outstanding run from 1998 to 2006. More recently, with the bear market and the forced unwinding of highly leveraged positions, many of the big private equity firms such as Blackstone Group and Fortress and others have taken a bit of a hit. But the reports of private […]

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Rethinking Your Career in Private Equity

April 6, 2009

“Debt is a sword. Equity is a pillow” asserts a recent article in CEO Forum. The authors are referring to the fact that for the past decade or so, much of the activity in the private equity world has been fuelled by corporate raiders racking up huge amounts of debt as they took over companies. […]

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Abu Dhabi Looks to Ramp up Private Equity Activity

March 23, 2009

The Abu Dhabi Investment Company (ADIC), the first investment company in the United Arab Emirates and one of the leading financial services firms in the area, has hired a new head of private equity to lead the charge for buy-outs in the Middle East and North Africa. Because of the credit crunch, the value of […]

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Private Equity Positioned to Lead Economic Recovery

March 9, 2009

Private equity is “smart money” that can bring the kind of sustainable and fundamental improvements companies need to pull themselves out of this financial crisis. That’s the opinion of Rami Bazzi, Senior Executive Officer at Injazat Capital Limited, a leading asset management and investment bank in Dubai, UAE. Bazzi told Emirates Business that private equity […]

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The Best Way to Work with a Private Equity Recruiter

March 2, 2009

Sometime in your career you may have received a call from a headhunter, or initiated the call yourself. In either case, you should learn how to work with them effectively and take full advantage of the many benefits their service provides. Especially in this challenging job environment. Your success is in the recruiter’s best interest. […]

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Private Equity Industry Brushing Up Its Image

February 17, 2009

The Private Equity Council, an advocacy group made up of 13 of the largest buyout firms, is adopting a new set of guidelines for an industry tarnished by recent Wall Street excesses. The new guidelines cover environmental, health, safety, labor, governance and social issues. Among the highlights of the 9 new guidelines are industry commitments […]

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Advice for Landing That Private Equity Job

February 9, 2009

The graduating class of 2009 faces one of the toughest hiring markets in recent years. But with patience, persistence and some creativity, it’s still possible to land one of the elusive entry-level private equity jobs in the industry. That’s the word from panelists at the 15th annual venture capital and private equity conference at Harvard […]

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Private Equity Compensation Driven by Size of Bonus

January 19, 2009

Large earning ranges were primarily driven by the size of bonuses, according to the 2008 Private Equity Jobs Digest Compensation Survey conducted in Fall, 2008, by Private equity bonus percentages vary significantly and, as expected, the higher in the firm’s food chain, the bigger the bonus – but not always. Although the average bonus […]

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Private Equity Jobs More Stable in Crisis

January 5, 2009

Several private-equity-backed companies have gone bankrupt or are teetering on the edge (Linens ‘N Things and Chrysler, for example). And other large PE firms such as Blackstone Group and Fortress Investment have seen their stock prices plummet in 2008. Nevertheless, compared to investment banking, relatively few people in private equity have actually lost their jobs, […]

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Private Equity Job Hunters Head for the Gulf

December 29, 2008

Although financial centers such as Dubai and Abu Dhabi are starting to feel the pinch from the worldwide economic downturn, the job market in financial services and private equity remains fairly active, according to a report by BusinessWeek. In fact, many business schools are even organizing “job treks” to the region, trying to connect students […]

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