January 6, 2012
Bridgepoint is an Europe based private equity investment firm with offices in Frankfurt, Helsinki, Istanbul, Luxembourg, London, Madrid, Milan, Paris, Stockholm and Warsaw. Bridgepoint investors are public pension funds, corporate pension funds, insurance companies, sovereign entities, fund of funds, endowment foundations, bank and asset manager. Geographically, they are from North America, Europe, UK, Asia and […]
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December 30, 2011
Clayton, Dubilier & Rice, LLC (CD&R) is a private equity investment firm based in New York and London. Founded in 1978, CD&R investors include endowments / foundations, families / high net worth individuals, public pensions, corporate pension funds, fund of funds, financial institutions and insurance companies. Geographically, CD&R investors come from North Ameciva, Europe, UK […]
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