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PE & VC News

Looking at the Top Private Equity Firms in 2016

February 7, 2017

Every year, Pitchbook – a provider of private equity dealflow data – provides a look at the top private equity firms according to various characteristics.  Here’s a review. Most Active U.S. Firms Before looking at Pitchbook’s figures, which firm would you guess comes out on top in the number of deals in 2016?  Interestingly, it’s […]

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Thinking about Carried Interest In Light of the Incoming Administration’s Tax Proposals

January 23, 2017

With the 2016 U.S. presidential election over, and tax reform at the top of the agenda, now seems like a good time to think about particular aspects of the incoming administration’s tax proposals.  One of ideas floated by the Trump administration is to tax carried interest. What is Carried Interest? Simply put, carried interest is […]

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The Income Tax Rate Probably Does Matter to Unicorns

January 10, 2017

Given that the Trump Administration plans on lowering the individual income tax rates and corporate income tax rates for pretty much all taxpayers, economists and other observers have been debating what type of effect this might have on economic growth (hint: the debate will never end). Within this vein of discussion on the overall effect of […]

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Which Cities are Winning in the Venture Capital Return Game?

December 27, 2016

If you work in the world of finance, return is everything, perhaps the only thing.  We decided to take a look at which cities are winning in the venture capital return game. If you’re like most, you might guess the San Francisco area – after all that’s where a large – very large – percentage of […]

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Who Are the Most Active VC Investing Firms and Corporate VC Investors?

December 12, 2016

It’s always interesting, every now and then, to take a look at who the top venture capital investing firms and corporations are. Top Corporate Venture Capital Investors Before taking a look at the top corporate venture capital investors according to VentureDeal, which companies would you guess would be at the top?  Would it be tech […]

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Is 6 Years the New Normal for Private Equity Holding Periods?

November 29, 2016

In an interesting new paper from a couple of young business school professors (Makiaho and Torstila (2016)), recent evidence from the European equity buyout universe suggests that the holding period of private equity investments has lengthened, from about 2.6 years in 2000 to about 6 years in 2015.  What’s behind the shift?  Is the shift […]

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With Donald Trump On Deck, Here are 3 Economic Indicators to Watch

November 14, 2016

With Donald Trump surprising many in his astonishing rise to the American presidency, now seems like a good time to review how the economy might perform in the coming first year of his presidency.  In what follows are three topics on the 2017 horizon, including the American consumer, business investment, and Federal Reserve interest rate […]

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5 Observations Based on the Merrill Corporation’s Most Recent Mergers and Acquisitions Survey

November 1, 2016

This week the Merrill Corporation released its most recent survey results of 30,000 Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) professionals across the world.  Many of the findings probably aren’t all that surprising, but some might be. The Broad Infographic First Before delving into the details, here is Merrill Corporation’s broad infographic of their survey results. Shown in […]

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Do Venture Capitalists Add Value at the IPO?

October 17, 2016

It may seem like an innocuous question.  On the one hand, why would venture capital companies add value to an IPO?  Perhaps the presence of venture capital companies could drag down the value of a company’s IPO because the market could view such presence as venture capitalists attempting to exit from a “peaking” investment.  On […]

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Mergers and Acquisitions through August 2016

October 3, 2016

The Merrill Corporation recently released its monthly update of mergers and acquisition (M&A) activity through the first eight months of 2016.  The report provides an interesting view of where business has been and where it might be heading.  On the whole, the overarching theme through the first eight months is one of lukewarm growth – […]

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