Private Equity Resume Tips

November 4, 2011

With the private equity job market the way it is today, you need to make sure your job search is working like a well oiled machine. Part of that machine, of course, is your resume.

Don’t believe for a moment the rumors from the tech world that “resumes don’t matter.” Resumes DO matter and in a big way.

Think about it… if you are applying for an open private equity or venture capital job, who is usually the first to look at your resume? The Managing Partner? The managing Director? Nope. More likely a junior person (maybe someone screening within HR, if it is a large firm) or an administrative person at the recruiting firm that has been hired to find the right person to fill the role.

That means your private equity resume needs to be a well crafted marketing tool to get you through to the next step. It must show your strengths and highlight why you are the right person for the job.

Check out our latest article on how to create a successful resume for a few tips to sharpen yours.

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